Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Welcome to my blog!

I'm Dave and I'm trying to find my voice. Ha, that sounds like I'm part of a Missing Voices Twelve Step program or something...well, maybe this blog will be my program.

I dabble in so many things that I often feel scattered and stretched and I'm hoping to write here to help me better understand where I want my voice to go and how I want to use it.

So, as a challenge to myself, I am going to write one post a day for a year - not as ambitious as the blogger from Julie & Julia, who made *recipes* and posted her experience of them, but a start.

My goal is to get a feel for what I am passionate about and learn to consistently post interesting thoughts on those subjects.

Oh, about the title:
1. The highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax.
2. The elevation of someone to divine status; deification.

I want to keep improving, in body and mind, and learn the limits of control over myself and my environment that I can have. That's pretty vague, but you can be sure I'll be posting about it in more detail.

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